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Cam is a mechanism to achieve intermittent motion, with high accuracy, smooth operation, high transmission torque, positioning, self - locking, compact structure, small size, low noise, high performance, long life and other characteristics, is an alternative to the ideal product of traditional institutions such as slot wheel mechanism, ratchet mechanism, gear mechanism。
This product is widely used in pharmaceutical machinery, press automatic feeding mechanism, food packaging machinery, glass machinery, ceramic machinery, tobacco machinery, filling machinery, printing machinery, electronic machinery, machining center automatic tool changer, etc.All kinds of automatic machines for the stepping motion。
Its mechanical structure: input shaft, a motor driven cam, the output shaft or flange. The rotary table used for the installation of the workpiece and the positioning fixture is mounted on the output shaft.
The cam is a kind of spatial cam indexing mechanism, and the following functions are realized in various types of automatic machines:
1.Intermittent transportation in the circumferential direction
2.Intermittent transportation in straight line
3.Swing drive manipulator

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